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code generation (code-bison)

Based on Google’s PaLM 2 large language model, the company specifically trained Codey APIs to handle coding-related prompts, but it also trained the model to handle queries related to Google Cloud.

code generation (code-bison) generates code based on a natural language description of the desired code. For example, it can generate a unit test for a function. The code generation API supports the code-bison model. The Codey APIs support a wide range of programming languages, including C++, C#, Go, GoogleSQL, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, and TypeScript. You can run with the API and in Generative AI Studio.

Some common use cases for code generation include creating unit tests, where you can design a prompt to request a unit test for a specific function; writing a function, which involves passing a problem to the model and receiving a function that solves the problem; and creating a class, where you can use a prompt to describe the purpose of a class and have the code defining that class returned to you.

Note: We have converted characters to tokens for the prices (based on the approximation of 4 characters per 1 token).


$0.002 / 1k tokens


$0.002 / 1k tokens




code generation (code-bison)
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