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  • Microsoft, NVIDIA


    MT-NLG (Megatron-Turing Natural Language Generation) uses the architecture of the transformer-based Megatron to generate coherent and contextually relevant text for a range of tasks, including completion prediction, reading comprehension, commonsense reasoning, natural language inferences, and word sense disambiguation. MT-NLG is the successor to Microsoft Turing NLG 17B and NVIDIA Megatron-LM 8.3B. The MT-NLG model is three times larger than GPT-3 (530B vs 175B). Following the original Megatron work, NVIDIA and Microsoft trained the model on over 4,000 GPUs. NVIDIA has announced an Early Access program for its managed API service to the MT-NLG model for organizations and researchers.
  • RedPajama


    The RedPajama project aims to create a set of leading open source models. RedPajama-INCITE-7B-Instruct was developed by Together and leaders from the open source AI community. RedPajama-INCITE-7B-Instruct model represents the top-performing open source entry on the HELM benchmarks, surpassing other cutting-edge open models like LLaMA-7B, Falcon-7B, and MPT-7B. The instruct-tuned model is designed for versatility and shines when tasked with few-shot performance.


    The Instruct, Chat, Base Model, and ten interim checkpoints are now available on HuggingFace, and all the RedPajama LLMs come with commercial licenses under Apache 2.0.


    Play with the RedPajama chat model version here –
  • TruthGPT


    TruthGPT is a large language model (LLM), and according to Elon Musk, TruthGPT will be a “maximum truth-seeking” AI. In terms of how it works, it filters through thousands of datasets and draws educated conclusions to provide answers that are as unbiased as possible. TruthGPT is powered by $TRUTH, a tradable cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain. $TRUTH holders will soon access additional benefits when using TruthGPT AI. When we learn more, we will update this section.
  • Microsoft


    VALL-E is a LLM for text to speech synthesis (TTS) developed by Microsoft (technically it is a neural codec language model). Its creators state that VALL-E could be used for high-quality text-to-speech applications, speech editing where a recording of a person could be edited and changed from a text transcript (making them say something they originally didn’t), and audio content creation when combined with other generative AI models. Studies indicate that VALL-E notably surpasses the leading zero-shot TTS system regarding speech authenticity and resemblance to the speaker. Furthermore, it has been observed that VALL-E is capable of retaining the emotional expression and ambient acoustics of the speaker within the synthesized output. Unfortunately, VALL-E is not available for any form of public consumption at this time. At the time of writing, VALL-E is a research project, and there is no customer onboarding queue or waitlist (but you can apply to be part of the first testers group).
  • LMSYS Org



    Vicuna-13B is an open-source chatbot developed by a team of researchers from UC Berkeley, CMU, Stanford, MBZUAI, and UC San Diego. The chatbot was trained by fine-tuning LLaMA on user-shared conversations collected from ShareGPT. There is a 13B and 7B parameter models that are available on Hugging Face.

    Vicuna-13B achieves more than 90% quality of OpenAI ChatGPT and Google Bard while outperforming other models like LLaMA and Stanford Alpaca in more than 90% of cases. The code and weights and an online demo are publicly available for non-commercial use. Here is a link to learn more about how it compares to other models –

    To use this model, you need to install LLaMA weights first and convert them into Hugging Face weights, and the cost of training Vicuna-13B is around $300.

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