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  • OpenAI

    Davinci Instruct model

    Davinci is the most capable Instruct model and it can do any task the other models can (Ada, Babbage and Curie), often with higher quality. InstructGPT models are sibling models to the ChatGPT. They are built on GPT-3 models but made to be safer, more helpful, and more aligned to users’ needs using a technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Instruct models are meant to generate text with a clear instruction, and they are not optimized for conversational chat. Instruct models are optimized to follow single-turn instructions (e.g., specifically designed to follow instructions provided in a prompt). Developers can use Instruct models for extracting knowledge, generating text, performing NLP tasks, automating tasks involving natural language, and translating languages. Instruct models make up facts less often than GPT-3 base models and show slight decreases in toxic output generation. Access is available through a request to OpenAI’s API.

  • OpenAI

    GPT-3.5-turbo 16k

    GPT-3.5-turbo 16k has the same capabilities as the standard gpt-3.5-turbo (4k model) but with 4 times the context but at twice the price. In general, a larger context window can be more powerful because it takes into account more information from the surrounding text, which can lead to better predictions
    GPT-3.5-turbo was designed to provide better performance and is well-known as the model that, by default, powers ChatGPT. However, paying customers who subscribe to ChatGPT Plus can change the model to GPT-4 before you start a chat.
    GPT-3.5-turbo is optimized for conversational formats and is superior to GPT-3 models, and the performance of GPT-3.5-turbo is on par with Instruct Davinci-003. GPT-3.5-turbo was trained on a massive corpus of text data, including books, articles, and web pages from across the internet and is used for tasks like content and code generation, question answering, translation, and more. Access is available through a request to OpenAI’s API or through the web application (try for free).
  • OpenAI

    GPT-3.5-turbo 4k

    GPT-3.5-turbo is an upgraded version of the GPT-3 model. It was designed to provide better performance and is well-known as the model that, by default, powers ChatGPT (however, paying customer who subscribe to ChatGPT Plus can change the model to GPT-4 before you start a chat).
    GPT-3.5-turbo is optimized for conversational formats and is superior to GPT-3 models, and the performance of GPT-3.5-turbo is on par with Instruct Davinci-003 (however is also ten times cheaper and has been seen to be three times faster). GPT-3.5-turbo was trained on a massive corpus of text data, including books, articles, and web pages from across the internet and is used for tasks like content and code generation, question answering, translation, and more. In some cases, GPT-3.5-turbo results can sometimes be too “chatty” or “creative”. Access is available through a request to OpenAI’s API or through the web application (try for free).

  • OpenAI

    GPT-4 32K context


    GPT-4 is OpenAI’s new design that incorporates additional improvements and advancements, including being multimodal so it can take both text and image inputs. With broad general knowledge and domain expertise, GPT-4 can follow complex instructions in natural language and solve difficult problems with accuracy. GPT-4 has a more diverse range of training data, incorporating additional languages and sources beyond just English. This means that the model will be able to process and generate text in multiple languages and better understand the nuances and subtleties of different languages and dialects. This is the extended 32k token context-length model, which is separate to the 8k model (and is more expensive).

    GPT-4 API access is now available.


    Note: At the time of writing, ChatGPT Plus subscribers can access Chat GPT-4 by logging into the web application.

  • OpenAI

    GPT-4 8K context


    GPT-4 is OpenAI’s new design that incorporates additional improvements and advancements, including being multimodal so it can take both text and image inputs. With broad general knowledge and domain expertise, GPT-4 can follow complex instructions in natural language and solve difficult problems with accuracy. GPT-4 has a more diverse range of training data, incorporating additional languages and sources beyond just English. This means that the model will be able to process and generate text in multiple languages and better understand the nuances and subtleties of different languages and dialects. There are a few different GPT-4 models to choose from. The standard GPT-4 model offers 8k tokens for the context. GPT-4 API access is now available.

    Note: For the ChatGPT web application, ChatGPT is powered by GPT-3.5 turbo by default. However, if you are a paying customer and subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, you can change the model to GPT-4 before you start a chat.

  • Aleph Alpha


    Aleph Alpha have the Luminous large language model. Luminous models vary in size, price and parameters. Luminous-base speaks and writes 5 languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish and the model can perform information extraction, language simplification and has multi-capable image description capability. Aleph Alpha is targeting “critical enterprises” — organizations like law firms, healthcare providers and banks, which rely heavily on trustable, accurate information. You can try Aleph Alpha models for free. Go to the Jumpstart page on their site and click through the examples on Classification and Labelling, Generation, Information Extraction, Translation & Conversion and Multimodal. Aleph Alpha are based in Europe, allowing customers with sensitive data to process their information in compliance with European regulations for data protection and security on a sovereign, European computing infrastructure.

  • Aleph Alpha


    Aleph Alpha luminous-extended is the second largest model which is faster and cheaper than Luminous-supreme. the model can perform information extraction, language simplification and has multi-capable image description capability. You can try Aleph Alpha models with predefined examples for free. Go to at the Jumpstart page on their site and click through the examples on Classification and Labelling, Generation, Information Extraction, Translation and Conversion and Multimodal. Aleph Alpha are based in Europe, which allows customers with sensitive data to process their information in compliance with European regulations for data protection and security on a sovereign, European computing infrastructure.
  • Aleph Alpha


    Supreme is the largest model but the most expensive Aleph Alpha Luminous model. Supreme can do all the tasks of the other smaller models (it speaks and writes 5 languages, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish and can undertake Information extraction, language simplification, semantically compare texts, summarize documents, perform Q&A tasks and more) and is well suited for creative writing. You can try out the Aleph Alpha models for free. Go to the Jumpstart page on their site and click through the examples on Classification & Labelling, Generation, Information Extraction, Translation & Conversion and Multimodal.
  • Aleph Alpha


    Supreme-control is its own model, although it is based on Luminous-supreme and is optimized on a certain set of tasks. The models differ in complexity and ability but this model excels when it can be optimized for question and answering and Natural Language Inference.
    You can try out the combination of the Aleph Alpha models with predefined examples for free. Go to at the Jumpstart page on their site and click through the examples on Classification & Labelling, Generation, Information Extraction, Translation & Conversion and Multimodal.

  • Microsoft, NVIDIA


    MT-NLG (Megatron-Turing Natural Language Generation) uses the architecture of the transformer-based Megatron to generate coherent and contextually relevant text for a range of tasks, including completion prediction, reading comprehension, commonsense reasoning, natural language inferences, and word sense disambiguation. MT-NLG is the successor to Microsoft Turing NLG 17B and NVIDIA Megatron-LM 8.3B. The MT-NLG model is three times larger than GPT-3 (530B vs 175B). Following the original Megatron work, NVIDIA and Microsoft trained the model on over 4,000 GPUs. NVIDIA has announced an Early Access program for its managed API service to the MT-NLG model for organizations and researchers.
  • OpenAI


    Text-davinci-003 is recognized as GPT 3.5 and is a variant of the GPT-3 model. While both Davinci and text-davinci-003 are powerful models, they differ in a few key ways. Text-davinci-003 is a newer and more capable model explicitly designed for instruction-following tasks. Text-davinci-003 was trained on a more recent dataset containing data up to June 2021. It can do any language task with better quality, longer output, and consistent instruction-following than the Curie, Babbage, or Ada models. Text-davinci-003 supports a longer context window (max prompt plus completion length) than Davinci.
    For those requesting the OpenAI’s API, GPT-3.5-turbo may be a better choice for tasks that require high accuracy in math or zero-shot classification and sentiment analysis than text-davinci-003. To note, GPT-3.5-turbo performs at a similar capability to text-davinci-003 but at 10 percent the price per token. OpenAI recommends GPT-3.5-turbo for most use cases.

  • OpenAI


    An embedding API model, such as Ada, is a powerful tool that converts words into numerical representations, enabling computers to understand and process natural language more effectively. This process is crucial for developing machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence systems that can interact with humans, analyze text, or make predictions based on text. OpenAI’s text embeddings is built for advanced search, clustering, topic modeling, and classification functionality.
    Access is available through a request to OpenAI’s API.

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Ada (fine tuning) GPT-3
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