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  • Stanford University


    Stanford University released an instruction-following language model called Alpaca, which was fine-tuned from Meta’s LLaMA 7B model. The Alpaca model was trained on 52K instruction-following demonstrations generated in the style of self-instruct using text-davinci-003. Alpaca aims to help the academic community engage with the models by providing an open source model that rivals OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003) models. To this end, Alpaca has been kept small and cheap (fine-tuning Alpaca took 3 hours on 8x A100s which is less than $100 of cost) to reproduce. All training data and techniques have been released. The Alpaca license explicitly prohibits commercial use, and the model can only be used for research/personal projects, and users need to follow LLaMA’s license agreement.
  • BigScience


    BigScience Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual Language Model (BLOOM) is a transformer-based LLM. Over 1,000 AI researchers created it to provide a free large language model for everyone who wants to try and it is a multilingual LLM. BLOOM is an autoregressive Large Language Model (LLM), trained to continue text from a prompt on vast amounts of text data using industrial-scale computational resources. It can output coherent text in 46 languages and 13 programming languages. It is free, and everybody who wants to can try it out. To interact with the API, you’ll need to request a token. This is done with a post request to the server. Tokens are only valid for two weeks. After which, a new one must be generated. Trained on around 176B parameters, it is considered an alternative to OpenAI models. There is a downloadable model, and a hosted API is available.



    NVIDIA NeMo, part of the NVIDIA AI platform, is an end-to-end, cloud-native enterprise framework to help build, customize, and deploy generative AI models. NeMo makes generative AI model development easy, cost-effective and fast for enterprises. NeMo has separate collections for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Text-to-Speech (TTS) models. Each collection consists of prebuilt modules that include everything needed to train on your data. NeMo framework supports both language and image generative AI models. Currently, the workflow for language is in open beta, and the workflow for images is in early access. You must be a member of the NVIDIA Developer Program and logged in with your organization’s email address to access it. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0, which is a permissive open source license that allows for commercial use.

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